Ideologies do not occur by themselves, just like that, some time or other…

  • They occur in the crucial moments of the history of the development of society.
  • They are an integral part of the socio-political systems of a society;
  • They reflect the real practical aspirations and cultural-ethical characteristics of representatives of the social groups that create them;
  • They establish the practical goals and are defining the specific steps to achieve them;
  • They contain a system of views and ideas, which should become a guidance of the unmediated actions of the people, which are accepting them;
  • Namely, correspondence of their theoretical positions with their practical needs, aspirations and cultural level of its 'subjects', determines their viability;
  • Therefore the genuine ideologies are always extremely practical and directly correspond to the essence and nature of the events, taking place in society;
  • Only such ideologies can find its supporters and become a real guidance for their actions.

Ideologies were never abstract and panhuman...

  • In the basis of ideology were always the "interests" of certain social groups.
  • They were always purposefully created as the basic ideologic tool of socially-active forces of a society – an ideologic tool of transformation of a society;
  • The ideology is a system of ideas and can live only in consciousness of the specific person;
  • It finds a full life, only if 'acquires consciousness of the masses';
  • A society can have simultaneously several viable ideologies.
  • They can be completely various and even opposite in content;
  • They can be at enmity with each other and call up for destruction of their enemies;
  • They can be "good" and "bad", "creative" and "destructive”...
  • Acceptance of one or another ideology always leads to appropriate consequences.

The truth is that the society has always the ideologies, if it has some stable organized groups of persons having the same goals.

  • Regardless of is it been spoken out loud or not, without fail, there are some ideas, norms and rules of actions, underlying in the basis of their association.
  • This can be vital interests, the moral principles, practical aspirations, forced positions, etc. – anything that can unite them;
  • And this happens regardless of whether we like it or not, we know it or not ...

Ideologies are real, and they are really administer our lives!


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