• Creator creates his world, consistently creating many of its forms;
  • forms start to realize evolutionary Program of Degression;
  • The evolutionary Program is the energy-information matrix that defines the purpose, nature and focus of all development processes of the world;
  • Each form becomes a dot of the Incarnation of unconscious realization of the descending Evolution, implementation it in a reality – creating of the World and its Life;
  • Availability of a primary matrix, transforms the creation of the World into the ordered process;
  • Life is a process of free (unordered) interaction of forms;
  • Just the unconditioned interaction gives rise to a new experience of being;
  • The Spirit of the Creator follows the process of creation forms of the World and spiritualizes them;
  • The descent of the Spirit lasts until it reaches the lowest point of materialization;
  • this is the maximum depth of a penetration of the spirit in the matter;
  • it is determined by a "depth" of the evolutionary Axis of the Universe, specified by the Creator;
  • Depth of immersion in a matter contains certain sacred meaning;
  • initially the holistic Spirit breaks himself into many disparate particles;
  • Each of the material forms carries the part of the Spirit in itself – it is spiritualized;
  • The more forms, the more particles of Spirit is necessary for them spiritualizing;
  • The more particles, to which the holistic spirit is splitted up, the less power of the Spirit in each of them;
  • With each subsequent step of the creation and spiritualization of the material world, the power of the Spirit wanes;
  • Result of Degression is a maximum of forms with a minimum of spirituality in them;
  • the power of the Spirit in the forms becomes minimal and its influence is waning;
  • there emerges a threat of a break of communication of forms with the Creator of the Universe, with the Source;
  • If the degression will be continued, this communication will be broken off;
  • the forms will have been losing their spirituality and the Evolution of the World will come to the end;
  • And then begins, which is devoid of meaning, self-destructive development – Involution;
  • Then the world, in order to protect themselves, will destroy its pieces, which have become spiritless;
  • This phenomenon is known to us as Armageddon.

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