• For a long time it is predicted, that change will begin with Russia;
  • As the successor of the ancient Empire of Russians – Empire of Tarkh and Tara, as the continuer of the ancient Golden Age;
  • Territories, where the direct channel of communication of people with the Creator, exists already for a long time;
  • Long before civilization of Sumer, she gave birth to civilization of Belovodye, Aratta, Tripoli, and others;
  • They have reached great heights of development, because they were consonant with the world;
  • They have created and applied the first language and literature, they have tilled the soil, applied the metallurgy;
  • The "golden age" of the first people of our modern era, was Kievan Russia – in its time, the most powerful, the most cultural state in the world, which has left an indelible mark in the history of the world;
  • All of the Kings of France were crowned on the ancient Russian Gospel;
  • Without exception, all Indo-European peoples of modern civilization speak languages and write letters, which were born from Great and Mighty Russian language!
  • The Russian people still keeps the knowledge and experience of how to create a Paradise on Earth and live there in peace and happiness;
  • They have it in their genetic memory, and they are ready to recollect it, if they will constantly not struggle for the survival;
  • Because, until now, the task of the people of the RUS ' was to survive and to preserve their gene pool and knowledge.
  • Long before that, foreseeing the impending events of descending progress, the part of our people went to the East; having reached India, they could save there a holistic system of Vedic knowledge and deep sacred language – the Sanskrit;
  • Knowledge and skills of the immediate perception of the World by the specific person;
  • Language of immediate dialogue with the World and its understandings.
  • "the sorcerers and sorceresses" of the folk, have stored and transferred this knowledge for many thousand years;
  • To the best of their ability and external possibilities, they have helped people to live;
  • They have taught them about truthful, righteous – "knowing the truth", glorious, "orthodox" life in harmony with nature, with the fret in the family, good in the housekeeping, with the King in the head...
  • Despite the black-centuries of the Inquisition, physical and spiritual destruction, they still exist in the depths of the Russian people;
  • The time has come to return the ancient knowledge, and awaken the consciousness of the people;
  • The time has come to recall the ancient language, alphabet, sounds, revitalize the words of the people;
  • The time has come to wake up from a thousand-year dream; and to start to live in the present;
  • The time has come for Russia to become a planetary Center of a Creation and to lay the foundation of a new civilization – a civilization of the Peace, wisdom and harmony;
  • The time has come for the Russians to build a Paradise on Earth, starting with itself.
  • The time has come for each Russian to become an individual Point of conscious creation and begin to create his life and life around him by a principle of full individual self-realization – and to comply with rules of interrelatedness, orderliness, balance and harmony of a united terrestrial life;
  • In full accordance with its genetic experience, national mentality and the traditional model of a harmonious life on Earth;
  • In full accordance with Laws of the Universe and the Program of the Ascension.
  • Drawing on its millennial history and experience, the people of the RUS ' could do it decently and quickly, as they did this earlier more than once;
  • The Russians will start first and will show to other people -– to live in the Earthly Paradise is real, right and beautiful; this is – the path to Happiness!


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