* From February, 2013

 10 more years ago there was the variant of transition designed on 1000 years. It is marked in the SOTHIS Program and a certain schedule of this transition was resulted. Details can be looked here. But in connection with change of a situation in mankind of a planet which we already mentioned, the script of transition has changed also. Today the script of 1000-years transition is not such rigid anymore; in parallel with it today there is a script of transition by duration of 100 years in work and it can be realized due to diligence of earthmen. Some reference points of this alternative script are resulted below.

After December, 21, and we already spoke about it, ― the number of earthmen directed in New Space and in the Golden Age has sharply decreased because mach person expected focus, a miracle, continuous New Year or a wave of a magic wand. Someone waited for changes in the material plan, someone ― for cardinal changes in consciousness, someone waited for changes of the opportunities, abilities and the skill, ― they thought that will wake up next morning as clairvoyant, telepathists, etc. But it has not taken place. Much disappointment has taken place at people, much of them has got in a stupor and were again break down; they fall from the heights achieved by them.

 The miracle has not taken place in their understanding, and they have slid in abyss of disbelief and denying of to what so long went and prepared. It has cast away a planet back and today again it is necessary to make titanic efforts for repeated achievement of peak of readiness.

 But it is impossible enter one river twice: the same condition cannot be. Therefore there is a speech about new ascent; therefore we have changed the script of this process. And all of you should understand that if again you cannot gain necessary height the script again is necessary to change ― COMPELLED, because of your unavailability, ― and unfortunately in the worse side. But it is an extreme measure and we hope that it does not happen.

 For this reason we recustomize all around today. But if we cannot wake up that quantity of you which is necessary... so, then it is necessary to do it again ― through a pain, through fire, through water, etc. that people could be stirred up and wake up.

 Now we direct all forces on execution of the script of "soft" transition for you. But without your counter work we are not capable to make it. Let's, put into operation everything, ― here that script which today while is executed on a planet.

 Such Cataclysms as sweep away everything, will not be. The electricity remains. There is all communication while you learn to work with telepathy. Meanwhile there is no necessity to worry that information carriers habitual to you will disappear. However it will take place during necessary time, in process of readiness of the population of the New World.

Anybody never anywhere has pass through that occurred now. That will occur on the Earth in five years, ― the same. These processes will open absolutely other kinds of reception of the information and this information will be absolute and is unique true at the moment of its reception. Therefore today deposits of sacral, confidential knowledge in any Doctrines already lose sense.

 Transition from a modern communication facility, methods and kinds of reception of the information to new methods, means and technologies will gradually occur, without breaks in an information field. Already now base of a new kinds of the communications are pawned ― in those people who correspond to conditions of New Space by own vibrating characteristics; and they will use subsequently telepathic communication, vision, heard of ideas, sounds, etc.

 Working teams every day build and correct energies-field characteristics and characteristics of cells and atoms that any skews will be. They try to keep everything that was, and softly go out on other plot from this condition. All planet quantum moves. What does it mean?

 Instead of a premise of a planet in already existing New Space with its most powerful energies (it should take place on December, 21 but many people, not ready to sharp gallop of energies, ― would burn down then) ― we catch the moments of increase of the vibrations by people and a planet, and we move all planet on a small piece each time, just on size of such "caught" vibrations. But its raise, light up and die away there and then, or go down to a unclaimed condition. The environment of your dwelling is changeable very much and your individual internal quantum of Light changes every instant.

It is impossible to trace and count in your world occurrence, fire, and display of quantum particles which there and then go out and arise in absolutely other place. We, especially you, cannot tell, in what place a planet appear tomorrow? Therefore work is carried out in a condition of "here and now", during that moment, and with that quantum which are shown "here and no". Today all already are in quantum transition, but it is impossible to tell, to what second on what quantum the Earth will move. When any potential on the Earth is integrate in total … well, not incorporated consciousness, ― is still far before… but in the incorporated condition of energy, yes, ― so, when some certain characteristic of energy on the Earth there is integrate, and this association appears sufficient, the planet slightly moves during this moment on … well, conditionally, on this size of the incorporated energy to the following step of quantum transition. And process of "collecting" of energy on the certain parameters (characteristics) begins anew for this new point of a site of the Earth for preparation of the following similar quantum step.

 The quantum is impossible to order or plan. You can wake up for the next day and appears that some number of people... boom! It was showed since the morning and they were lighted in a new fashion, more brightly and general conditions on a planet again has exchanged; it is so expect and on what we work. And then and here we instantly use this change, and the planet makes this following quantum step.

 We estimate conditions on light of your bodies, on anything to other, and intensity and dynamism of this process, and its productivity depends only from you. You in general need to pay attention that either "white» or "black" is not present. There is only a division on discrete frequencies of vibrations. And only under this characteristic one event concerns to one pole (in understanding of mankind), and another ― to another pole. All polarity works such as: so-called "evil" is the process of training, but "kindness" is process of comprehension, understanding and an exit of training. The continuous processes of Evolution consist of alternation of these conditions.

 And you should understand that one dynamics will be, if you will sit and again to expect, when you will transfer or "will make" inhabitants of the New World (that is impossible basically), or will wait for some precise recommendations, how to behave both what to do and what will be tomorrow … and if tomorrow it does not happen, you again run into internal failure and then you are again disappointed and drop your hands. Exactly by it you leave in powerful recoil, and the planet as a whole again goes down in the level … and absolutely other dynamics and other result, ― when you work independently, towards to us and then the reality changes very dynamically.

 Therefore it is not known, during what following moment it will take place, and in which following space it will take place in this intermediate moving; because all depends on size and quality of the next incorporated energy. And, it is transferred not only a planet the Earth, ― it is transferred with all Galaxy!

This work is galactic; is closed the whole stage of Evolution. In connection with transition the whole Families are closed, for example, when boys are not born in them. It is connected to closing the whole episode of Evolution therefore the whole Families should leave home, in his System and the civilization of a planet the Earth should be cleared from energies of him. The Family also is cleared in this case, ― it concerns, certainly, those Families which are ready to that closing.

 Or children … children born now are already adapted to new space. Therefore on generations which are born and will be given birth in 2012-2015, ― there is our rate on them, as on generation with already new Consciousness and they already will be ready to starting to build this Golden Age. Therefore the birth children today who will continue forming the New Civilization, is very desirable and it is welcomed by us.

 And already today it is supposed that in the near future communities will be a basis of society. Education of these children coming these years will lay on people, which Consciousness already is now ready to go further. Moreover, only people with such consciousness can understand these children, only these people can consult with them and only they are in a condition to realize, as and in what sequence it is possible and necessary to give these children.

 It is necessary to be ready to that now there will be many children of whom you name autists. They are those children with really openly heart for today, which are capable to perceive high vibrations, which can and are ready to carry an absolute love. It is necessary to understand that these children are not derelicts, they cannot be thrown back, and they are the same members of a society as well as the others. Today the attitude to such children is not so sharp any more, today it do not shower with stones them and try to find common language with them but it is not enough. It is necessary to understand that there will be more such children and it is an attribute of process of the transition shown in such form in this regularity of space.

 It is very important to understand the reason of their autism. They are children open by heart with an absolute love; they do not see the adequate response of world around to their openness and as a result that this response (which they wait and to which they are ready) is not present, they try to be protected from the inadequate response of the world to their existence. Thus they so love also those who does not understand them and who offends them, as well as all world. They are closed only from the point of view of your external world.

 It is necessary to understand, that forms of management existing today as the states will not exist  in the New World, however here again transition will not be sharp, but gradual. At the same time it is necessary to be guided that agrees to the today working script this transition already will take place to 2035.

 It is a lot of both scripts and variants of transition but today any script or a variant is cannot be sounded in connection with a quantum transition of the planet and the Galaxy when work passes in a manual mode. It is necessary to be guided only by general characteristics which are designated, as characteristics of the New World; and Ways of transition to this new condition can be various, and they are opened not only every day but every minute.

Much will depends on how will pass this year; the end of year, the result will be very important. Much will depend on as far as much people will wake up within this year. How many waking up people will be here at all? … Again it is necessary interrelation with the general synchronization of all teams providing transition. People will not be yet ready to pass to a solar feed. It means that will be necessary to supervise their feed by the food habitual him.

 Here it is a lot of components which we adjust and look through daily. If radiation of bodies is not enough in any place, the mechanism of struggle (i.e. a physical pain in this or that kind) is switched on in that place. And people start to realize and understand something through a pain. Unfortunately today it is a unique method to induce people to do something, to change somehow. They, thus, are compelled to change something in themselves, but through a pain ― instead of independently persistent and directed to be engaged in the change,

 If in any region all goes well, we do not touch there, we strengthen influence of energies in the other place, ― it is a lot of aspects which need to be taken into account here. Work goes every second from the point of view of the terrestrial plan.

 It is necessary to take into account necessity of work with vegetative and fauna which also take part in this transition. Both in that and in the other worlds many kinds will leave too but many also will arrive. I.e., you will see any blue titmouse on North Pole or on the contrary as also poles of a planet will be in new places. These transitions also appear smooth because many organisms intensively mutate today... many ones adapt. But mutations go very strong.

 New kinds will not deliver to you from space by anybody but replacement will occur in such a manner that one kinds will die out but there will be others, such as a mousy with a trunk, etc. … but it I exaggerate, certainly, though a principle is about the same.

 So, the preliminary plan of transition of the Earth in New Space is now compressed till 100 years, and even now, in view of constant updating this plan, it is possible that during these 100 years the moment of ocurrence of earthmen in the Golden Age duration of 26000 will begin earlier, probably in 40―50 years.

 Now the script is changed completely, and it continues to change. When there will be a transition of a planet in a New World condition, forming the Golden Age will begin ― after the Earth will find her place in a New Space. Now there are variants when the mankind will approach closely to the beginning of this fine period of the Golden Age already after 2035. Also there is a high probability of that after 2051 you will enter the Golden Age. But these terms of ocurrence in the Golden Age ― it while is only potential of earthmen because all changes. I.e., you while only can enter the Golden Age after 2051, ― all depends on you. It is one of probable positive variants. The Golden Age will be prolonged 26000 years.

At the same time, all earthmen should understand that change of the script does not mean that the Golden Age ALREADY began. Till now all depends on you and it is very serious. Still there is any probability of that forces of a nucleus of a planet will be directed on clarification of her surface and it will be connected with that very small number from you in full force has put into operation on planetary transition till now. You should understand that transition therefore refers to planetary that a planet at whole takes part in it. A planet at whole should take part in this event and it does not mean that someone is work double tides but someone is going to skim the cream off this work.

 Your individual daily, hourly work with itself is very important today. You should close all old contracts and interrelations, ― through a pardon, through opening of the heart. It is necessary to thank and say goodbye for all, as in the end of this stage, in development and for preparation of a new stage. Because blocks from the past agreements and oaths stand in your bodies. Now your conductors work with each of you and you should help them to clean your old "dried" blocks from even the previous embodiments. You should return back all your particles which else have remained somewhere outside of you. Or, anyway, return the maximal number of your particles back, from your previous episodes. It is your work and you should make it through your own heart. In an ideal you should carry out powerful internal work through your own heart, through silence. Do not forget: your brain should not be littered extraneous ideas.

 Today there is a general work above transformation of each cell, of each atom. Therefore your scrupulous work above itself is necessary as your individual participation in common work. However, as well as always, as well as till this moment. Nobody will make this work except for you.

 Process of closing of the previous contracts occurs thus: when you close a part of contracts from shown in your field at present time, others which have been not yet closed appear on their place. I.e., generally it is necessary to be ready to a constant similar work with itself at this time. Today each person needs to clear the individual space and the fields as much as possible. It will enable your conductors to work more effectively with you.

 It is necessary for making also because new contracts on full healing, on full execution of your Mission, on a full prosperity expect you. These new conditions of your life on a planet will start to be opened for each of you individually, ― when you will achieve their vibrating level in your work with yourselves.


That is all for today.

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