• A worldview is a picture in the mind of the person of how the world works, what and why in this world occurs, how all elements are interconnected with each other, and what is their interdependence from each other; the place of the man in the world and what is the meaning of his life and life in general;
  • A worldview is the theoretical pillar of understanding of the person oneself and everything around him, and is a theoretical foundation of all human activities;
  • The person such understands the world and lives in it as depends from the worldview;
  • The modern man of the Russian field  has no worldview: Marxist-Leninist ideology ('truly scientific') has died with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the pre-Marxist ideology was carefully wiped out by the democrats and the enemies of the Russian field, and the new one has not formed yet;
  • Today, a man can choose simultaneously from a few pictures of the world, claiming the role of the worldview: scientific, religious, secular, esoteric...;
  • They are fundamentally different from each other and describe the world and the place of the man in it, quite differently;
  • Each of these pictures of the world has its own grounds for its existence, history of the formation, outstanding representatives and supporters;
  • Each of them was created through the use of their own tools, methods of knowledge, the apparatus of concepts and arguments;
  • Each of them has its own doctrine (the theoretical concept, not called in question) and a social institution, that provides its existence in society;
  • Their common problem is that each of them describes only one side of the world, and therefore is incomplete;
  • However, despite of it, each of them applies for completeness of the description of the world, veracity and aspires to dominate over a society;
  • Each of them speaks about the truth, but uses "any" methods of proving his rectitude, including extreme (persecution of dissidents, etc.);
  • They are engaged in a constant struggle for the influence on the minds of people,  which then subside, then flaring up again to the annihilation of their "opponents" (religious fanaticism, militant materialism, etc.);
  • In 2001 there has come the era of Aquarius, which has completely changed the usual world;
  • The energo-informational matrix that affects us and our lives, is changing;
  • Humanity goes over to the next grade of its development;
  • Energetic and information streams of Aquarius, purify our lives, our souls and minds from falsehood and mud in which we live; they awaken us from sleep; and show to us  the new opportunities and prospects;
  • The mankind gets an opportunity to change a direction of its development and to leave system crisis and evolutionary deadlock, in which it has come to be;  
  • The Era of Aquarius bears to the man what he never had – spiritual freedom, the freedom of his consciousness;
  • Now, it is up to us, whether we shall take advantage of this possibility.
  • The role of the worldview in this process is the key, because freedom begins with the liberation of its own consciousness from the external systems, which are in control of it;
  • The first step in the new era begins with the development of a holistic worldview.

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